
Introduction to the Project

The vision for Phoenix Village is to create a one-stop, full-service provision for young adults who have fallen through the traditional educational gaps, found themselves unemployed, associated with negative influences, or experiencing homelessness. By providing affordable accommodation, multiple opportunities for skills training with accreditation, autonomous health, and advanced mental health provision, The Phoenix Village Project aims to break a cycle of social and economic exclusion and its long-term consequences.

Copyright © 2018 The Phoenix Village Project – All Rights Reserved.

Recognising that current social and education systems are failing an increasing number of disadvantaged young adults, Marksteen took on the biggest challenge of his career and created the vision for a state-of-the-art, self-sustaining hub that will marry innovative businesses with local service providers in a collaborative collective to inspire, engage, teach and mentor disenfranchised young adults.

When realised, The Phoenix Village Project will be a dynamic hub of innovation, a creative collision between like-minded, socially conscious businesses and social services. The project will provide young people with the space, resources and inspiration for professional, creative and personal development. Work placements and taster apprenticeships will be part of the project, including pioneering thinking in the fields of craft, design and production. Guided by professionals, young people will have the opportunity to learn skills vital to our future circular economies. For example, upcycling plastics, wood, textiles and metal into desirable, marketable products. Plans include housing a music and film recording studio, a café, an artisan bakery, as well as rooftop horticulture.

The project will also provide affordable accommodation under the same roof – breaking away from a stark abyss into entirely new territory – surrounding young people with an immediate community in a thriving, inspiring and nurturing environment.

The operating structure will be powered by a new economic model – The Giving Share. This model is based on the idea of creating an attractive and creatively curated home for commercial businesses that pay a contribution to the project to provide a sustainable economic model for social services to operate. Similar economic programmes have existed in parts of Europe and Scandinavia for decades. However, adding in the idea of incorporating the businesses themselves as part of the social services package will take this Gloucestershire model to a completely new level.

What's next?

In 2019, the Phoenix Village concept was presented to all local councils, housing associations and the police constabulary in Gloucestershire. It was received with overwhelming support and enthusiasm. The new model provides real hope for changing lives and breaks away from the traditional dependency on government and charitable donations. The project is now ready to find the perfect home, which will be an entirely new build or the refurbishment of an existing building. The building will be put into a trust fund by the donors, and then The Giving Share and The Programme will be operated by The Phoenix Village Project team. We're actively looking for 80-100k sq. ft. of space in the heart of the urban community.

Since the project's conception, Marksteen Adamson, founder and CEO, has been building a team and developing a network of key delivery partners and supporters who believe in the project and want to be part of it.

If you feel the same about this vision and you would like to get involved or support the project, you can contact us@thephoenixvillageproject.org We would love to hear from you.

Copyright © 2018 The Phoenix Village Project – All Rights Reserved.


To build a new and desirable destination/home/quarter in the heart of the community. To create a thriving, lively, like-minded and enterprising collective of purposefully selected and carefully curated independent businesses. Teaching enterprising skills and building sound minds for practical, social and personal regeneration.


To create a state-of-the-art community hub with carefully curated independent professional businesses that teach, train and mentor disenfranchised young adults, providing work opportunities and qualifications, as well as support and solutions for mental well-being and nutritional health.


Copyright © 2018 The Phoenix Village Project – All Rights Reserved.

The Giving Share

A sustainable, social, economic model

The Phoenix Village Project is powered by The Giving Share – a Community Interest Company (CIC) focused on delivering the Phoenix Village Project and its services. This is a sustainable, economic, social model for funding community projects within the building where business partners participating in the project will contribute to the project’s local youth community work.

Copyright © 2018 The Phoenix Village Project – All Rights Reserved.

These businesses are key to the social community programme they will be involved in but equally the project offers them a mutually beneficial opportunity for their business. The Giving Share asks of them a time-based and financial contribution, the calculation is based on their profit and earnings, with a base contribution, but not exceeding average market rent and rates.

Rather than pay rent per square foot for the space they need, The Giving Share will allocate space to businesses per their need, for example, a bakery needs more space than a tech-start-up. Each business irrespective of size or sector will benefit from a rent-free environment, instead, paying a reduced sum into The Giving Share social fund. This will be supported by the local government who will make the space free to start with. This approach to giving a share rather than having to pay rent for square footage will enable the curation of a healthy, balanced mix of businesses in one location, sharing innovation and benefiting from each other, as well as being a hub for the benefit to the youth community.

The Giving Share fund the businesses pay into will provide workshops, training, education, food, equipment and mental health services for young adults locally, aged 16-21 who are disadvantaged, disenfranchised, in care, in recovery, might be ex-youth offenders or simply those who have fallen through the cracks of the education system. Each business will take in a young adult at regular intervals of 1-2 weeks, on a trial basis, giving them a variety of work experiences and opportunities with the possibility for future employment, within the project or further afield.

This model will help build and support thriving community activities and provide skills-based training for young people locally by building an innovative business ecosystem that delivers a holistic, creative, community hub with opportunity stemming from all forms of industry. Here, young people will be given the opportunity to learn and discover who they are, who they want to be and a develop a clear vision of their own future so they can ultimately put back into society rather than be a drain on it.

The philosophical objective is to ‘Make Honey’, as well and making money, with a strong emphasis on thriving, not just growing big at the cost of the project’s community objectives.

Copyright © 2018 The Phoenix Village Project – All Rights Reserved.


Supporting Organisations


To see the full Masterplan presentation or to get involved in the Phoenix Village Project, please contact:

T. +44 (0)1242 574111

Formal House
60 St. George’s Place
GL50 3PN